Can I warm plates in my microwave oven? Will the microwaves heat them?

Can I warm plates in my microwave oven? — AC

Yes, but it’s not a good idea. Depending on the type of plate, you can either damage your microwave oven or damage the plate.

If a plate is “microwave safe,” it will barely absorb the microwaves and heat extremely slowly. In effect, the microwave oven will be operating empty and the electromagnetic fields inside it will build up to extremely high levels. Since the walls of the oven are mirrorlike and the plate is almost perfectly transparent to microwaves, the electromagnetic waves streaming out of the oven’s magnetron tube bounce around endlessly inside the oven’s cooking chamber. The resulting intense fields can produce various types of electric breakdown along the walls of the cooking chamber and thereby damage the surface with burns or arcs. Furthermore, the intense microwaves in the cooking chamber will reflect back into the magnetron and can upset its internal oscillations so that it doesn’t function properly. Although magnetrons are astonishingly robust and long-lived, they don’t appreciate having to reabsorb their own emitted microwaves. In short, your plates will heat up slowly and you’ll be aging your microwave oven in the process. You could wet the plates before putting them in the microwave oven to speed the heating and decrease the wear-and-tear on the magnetron, but then you’d have to dry the plates before use.

If a plate isn’t “microwave safe,” then it will absorb microwaves and heat relatively quickly. If it absorbs the microwaves uniformly and well, then you can probably warm it to the desired temperature without any problems as long as you know exactly how many seconds it takes and adjust for the total number of plates you’re warming. If you heat a plate too long, bad things will happen. It may only amount to burning your fingers, but some plates can’t take high temperatures without melting, cracking, or popping. Unglazed ceramics that have soaked up lots of water will heat rapidly because water absorbs microwaves strongly. Water trapped in pores in such ceramics can transform into high-pressure steam, a result that doesn’t seem safe to me. And if a plate absorbs microwaves nonuniformly, then you’ll get hotspots or burned spots on the plate. Metalized decorations on a plate will simply burn up and blacken the plate. Cracks that contain water will overheat and the resulting thermal stresses will extend the cracks further. So this type of heating can be stressful to the plates.

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