How can an object spin at constant angular velocity when its parts are accelerating?

How can a spinning object keep constant velocity with the direction of its parts changing at every instant?

When you consider an object as rotating, you normally stop thinking of its parts as moving in their own independent ways and treat the whole assembly as a single object. While it’s true that the various parts of that object are accelerating in response to internal forces those parts exert on another, the object as a whole is doing a simpler motion: it’s rotating about some axis. This ability to focus on a simple motion in the midst of countless complicated motions is an example of the beautiful simplifications that physics allows in some cases.

When you push on a rotating object, when are you doing work?

When you push on a rotating object, when are you doing work?

That’s an interesting question and requires two answers. First, if you push on a part of the rotating object and that part moves a distance in the direction of the force you exert, then you do work on it. In principle, it is possible to identify all the work that you do on the rotating object via this approach.

However, it is also possible to determine the work you do entirely in terms of physical quantities of rotation. If you exert a torque on the rotating object and it rotates the an angle in the direction of your torque, you again do work on the object. That’s the rotational version of the work formula: whereas force time distance is the translational work formula, torque times angle is the rotational work formula.

An important complication arises, however, in that you must measure the angle in the appropriate units: radians. The radian is the natural unit of angle and is effectively dimensionless (no units after it). When you multiple the torque times the angle in radians, the resulting units are those of work and energy. If you use a non-natural unit of angle, such as the degree, then you’ll have to deal with presence of the angle unit in your result.

Rotating “up” or “down” — is that like clockwise and counter-clockwise?

When an object is rotating, both the “up” and “down” directions point along the vertical axis. Do they correspond to clockwise and counterclockwise?

Yes. Distinguishing between the two opposite directions of rotation using words alone requires that everyone agree on what to call those two directions. It also requires that everyone have an artifact that they can use to identify which direction is which. When something is spinning about a vertical axis, a carousel or merry-go-round, for example, then physicists name the two possible directions of rotation “up” and “down” and use a right-hand rule to identify which is which. Since most people have a right hand and know which hand it is, the necessary artifact is built-in.

In more common language, the two directions might be called “clockwise as viewed from above” and counter-clockwise as viewed from above”. In this case, the artifact is an old-fashioned analog clock and is probably more of a remembered artifact than one that is in the room with you. Nonetheless, that common naming convention is fine; it’s just wordier than the physicist’s version.