Why is high pressure air/fluids slow moving, while low-pressure fluids/air are f…

Why is high pressure air/fluids slow moving, while low-pressure fluids/air are fast moving?

First, I should point out that high pressure air/fluids can move either fast or slow, depending on the situation. The same holds for low-pressure air/fluids. What Bernoulli’s equation tells us is that when air/fluids slows down, its pressure rises (assuming that it isn’t moving up or down so that gravity is out of the picture) and when air/fluids speed up, its pressure drops. Here are two common examples.

First, when you spray water from a garden hose against your hand, the water goes from moving quickly through the air at atmospheric pressure to moving slowly on your hand at more than atmospheric pressure. You know that this pressure increase has occurred because you feel the water pushing hard on your hand. The water is exchanging kinetic energy for pressure potential energy and its pressure is rising.

Second, when you put your thumb over the end of the garden hose and allow only a fine spray to emerge, the water goes from slow moving water at high pressure inside the hose to fast moving water at atmospheric pressure in the air. You know that this pressure drop has occurred because you feel the water in the hose pushing hard against your thumb. The water is exchanging pressure potential energy for kinetic energy and its pressure is dropping.

Why is it that when I am in my dorm room with my window open and the door closed…

Why is it that when I am in my dorm room with my window open and the door closed, there isn’t a change in temperature and no wind comes in or blows around. But if I open the door, the room becomes cold and wind is felt throughout the room?

When the wind blows into your room, it comes to a stop and experiences a rise in pressure. This is an consequence of Bernoulli’s equation, which recognizes that energy is conserved and that in a fluid, energy can exist either as kinetic energy (energy of motion), pressure energy, or gravitational potential energy. In this case, the wind’s kinetic energy becomes pressure energy as it slow down in your room. As the pressure in your room rises, it prevents more air from entering, so you have high pressure but no movement inside your room. As soon as you open the door, the high-pressure air in your room accelerates toward the relatively low-pressure air in your hall. The pressure in your room drops and the wind can get in now. Soon the wind is blowing right through your room, as though you were part of a wind tunnel. If the wind is cold, you will be too.

Why is there a relationship between speed and pressure? What is that relation? W…

Why is there a relationship between speed and pressure? What is that relation? Why are they inverses of each other?

When a fluid is flowing smoothly and steadily through a stationary environment, its energy is conserved. As long as it doesn’t lose much energy to frictional effects, you can count on its total energy remaining essentially constant as it flows downstream. Since it only has three forms for its energy: gravitational potential energy, pressure potential energy, and kinetic energy, you can expect that a decrease in one of these forms of energy will be accompanied by an increase in one of the other forms. That’s when speed and pressure are inversely related. When the fluid slows down, its kinetic energy drops so its pressure potential energy (and its pressure) must rise.

Can air have gravitational potential energy?

Can air have gravitational potential energy?

Yes. However, you often don’t notice this because as you lower a volume of air downward, you displace a similar volume of air upward. Thus you can’t just raise or lower air to observe changes in its gravitational potential energy. You’d have less trouble if you compressed the air tightly together, perhaps turning it into a liquid, and then raised or lowered it. It’s gravitational potential energy would then be much more noticeable.

How does water move toward your mouth through a straight straw if you don’t suck…

How does water move toward your mouth through a straight straw if you don’t suck on the straw?

If the straw is horizontal and the water wasn’t moving to begin with, it won’t move toward your mouth unless you suck. To make the water accelerate, it must experience net force and the two ways to achieve that net force are (1) to create a pressure imbalance on the water’s ends and (2) to have the water’s weight accelerate it. In a horizontal force with no pressure imbalance on it, there is no net force on the water and it doesn’t accelerate.

I was wondering about the change in pipe sizes within a house. In many cases, wa…

I was wondering about the change in pipe sizes within a house. In many cases, water pipes coming to a house are very large, only to drop to small pipes when they reach the house. Does this mean that the water from the water company is slow velocity, high pressure, and houses turn this water into fast velocity, low pressure?

Yes, but the effect is not so extreme. As the water from the water company enters the narrower pipes in your house, it does have to speed up slightly and its pressure does drop slightly. But its pressure is still well above atmospheric pressure. However, the fact that the water must move faster through the narrower pipes in your house means that this water loses energy relatively quickly in your house. And the more water you draw through your house’s plumbing, the larger the fraction of its energy it loses. That’s why drawing a huge amount of water out of one faucet will diminish the flow through another faucet—increasing the flow by opening that first faucet wastes the energy of the water reaching the second faucet and it flows out more slowly.

In a siphon, what makes water flow from one container to the other without a pum…

In a siphon, what makes water flow from one container to the other without a pump?

The water is propelled by a pressure imbalance. When the water level in one container is higher than that in the other container, the pressures at the two ends of the siphon aren’t equal. There is more pressure on the high water side than on the low water side. As a result, the water accelerates toward the low water side and the water levels gradually become equal.

In the book section on Water Distribution, there was a question (exercise 5) abo…

In the book section on Water Distribution, there was a question (exercise 5) about a novelty straw. The answer says that the straw can’t be taller than 0.5 meters. I thought you could suck liquid up a straw 10 meters tall? Why can this straw only be 0.5 meters tall?

The question itself said that the straw was only 0.5 meters tall. In the answer I was intending to point out that you can have as much tubing as you like in that straw, because it’s only 0.5 meters tall overall. I didn’t intend to mean that straws taller than 0.5 meters but shorter than 10 meters wouldn’t work. Just that a short straw will work no matter how much tubing it contains. Sorry for an imperfect answer in the book. I’ll change it in future editions.

Please define the 3 types of energy that flowing water has?

Please define the 3 types of energy that flowing water has?

Whenever water (or any incompressible fluid) passes fixed obstacles in a laminar flow, its total energy is conserved (we’re neglecting friction effects—viscous drag). That total energy consists of (1) the water’s gravitational potential energy (how high up it is), (2) the water’s pressure potential energy (how hard it pushes on surfaces), and (3) the water’s kinetic energy (how fast it’s moving). Since the water’s total energy doesn’t change, a change in one of these forms of energy necessitates a change in one or both of the other forms. For example, if water speeds up during its flow, the water’s pressure or height or both must decrease.